Oil and Gas
SESC has almost four decades of experience providing engineering services to both upstream and midstream Oil and Gas Operations as well as their interconnecting pipelines. SESC excels in the engineering design of gathering, processing, and storage facilities, in addition to truck and railroad loading / unloading terminals, which may include the following:
- Station piping
- Coded vessel design
- Process engineering
- Relief, vent and flare systems
- API tank design
- Foundation design
- Structural design
- Electrical design
- Instrumentation and control system design
A typical project scope of work may include project management, engineering design / drafting, scheduling, document and cost control, construction management, equipment commissioning and job book compilation. We have the expertise to design your facility, whether it only requires a heater / separator package or a more complex molecular sieve amine treatment system for H2S removal, and if need be, supervise its construction and commissioning.
Call us today to learn how SESC can tailor our capabilities to meet your requirements and do so while offering an engineered product that meets all applicable industry codes and standards.
Is Always Our Goal